At UOBAM, we strive to address your concern as soon as possible. Upon receipt of your complaint, you shall receive an acknowledgement from our independent unit (Corporate Governance) within 2 business days. The team shall conduct a thorough review on your concern which may include a call to you and resolve your concerns within 14 business days. Instances whereby further investigations are required due to complexity of the issue, we will keep you updated on the progress and strive to resolve your concerns within a reasonable timeline.
In order for us to conduct a thorough investigation on your case, we will need relevant information on your complaint including your name, NRIC / Passport number and your contact details to enable us to make further enquiries. Please note that we may not be able respond to your complaint unless sufficient information is provided.
If, despite our best efforts, you believe that we have not addressed your concerns, you may seek the assistance of The Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC). At present, FIDReC's services are available to all investors who are individuals or sole proprietors. The jurisdiction of FIDReC is an independent Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre.
More information is available at the FIDReC website:
At UOBAM, our Corporate Governance team is independent from the sales / investment advisory units. We strive to address your concern in a fair manner and resolve your concerns within a reasonable timeline.
For a copy of the Complaint Management Process, you may visit our office or contact us at 6543 7988.