Share your views about your UOB experience with us in just three minutes.

Survey code:
NRIC/Passport (Last 4 characters)

Question 1 of 7

Based on your most recent experience when using our Self-Service Machine (e.g. ATM, Cash Deposit Machine), how likely is it that you would recommend UOB to your family or friends?

(0 = Not at all likely, 10 = Extremely likely)

Question 2 of 7

What are the reasons for your rating? (Please select all that apply)

Question 3 of 7

Considering all your experiences when using our Self-Service Machines, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with UOB?

(0 = Very dissatisfied, 10 = Very satisfied)

Question 4 of 7

In the past month, how many times did you use UOB’s Self-Service Machines?

4a Do you consider UOB as your main banker?

Question 5 of 7

Have you ever used UOB’s personal internet banking or UOB TMRW mobile app?

Question 6 of 7

Did you encounter any problems with UOB Self-service Machines during your recent visit?

6a Please describe the problem you encountered with UOB Self-Service Machines

Question 7 of 7

Please share with us what you like about your recent experience or areas in which we can do better.